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Addiction Recovery Culture

GATES Supernatural Addiction Recovery Culture Blog

If you've been struggling with any kind of addiction, you most likely feel "unwanted" in a lot of ways. Struggling with addiction and the pain that comes with it is not easy. The truth is , is that you were never meant to feel so insignificant and unworthy of living a normal human life. God from he beginning has carved out a purposeful life with much provision and abundance besides for you. I know you don't feel like that's for you! You might be saying to yourself as you read this, "well they don't know me! Im just bad. I'm not worthy to be loved." But, nothing could farther from the truth. We love sharing these three core points that creates the culture in our church and recovery groups. They're 3 simple things to remember about your identity.

1. You are worthy to die for. Jesus did. John 3:16 God created you in His image. He's a good Papa God and has always loved you with an everlasting love. He won't stop now. What you do is not who you are. Your identity was created inside you when he uniquely designed you. He sees what you do, but in His eyes you are his child and he would love for you to know that. Read John 3:16, it will fill you in on the truth about how He really feels and thinks about you!

2. You are loved by God. Romans 5:8 I love this core point! Even before you were born, He loved you. He knew what you would do and what choices you would make, but that did not stop His love for you. God even sent His only son to earth to die for your sins, past , present and future, so you would be saved from all the pain of your todays! Even when you don't believe in Him, he believes in you and will always love you. He wants you to know that he has a great inheritance for you as His Son or Daughter. When you accept Him as your Savior he will walk with you and help you through your hard stuff. He will make ways for you when there seemed to be no way! God loved you before you even knew of Him.

3. God has an amazing purpose for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 God is such a good Father. He is not mad at you. He is not angry with you. He sees your heart that may be broken or full of pain and He wants you to know what a great price He paid for it to be healed. When He died on the cross with YOU, He gave His life, so you would have life, and have an abundant life. Not just a "survival" life. He is a God with purpose and plans for His children. The verse below explains what he has for your life. Good things, not bad things. If you are experiencing more bad things in life., know this was not Gods plan for you. He is a good God and only knows good and wants only good for you.

We love sharing the "Good News" simply because in a world of hopelessness, this Good News can get pretty skewed and even forgotten. Maybe some are not aware of all this provision for you by God. In our Recovery Groups and Church, we share this Good News and show you you're true identity! We hope you will come and give us a listen. You are a Treasure and we are gold-diggers....digging for the Gold Treasure inside of you. We know its there, because God never makes junk. We love helping you find the truth.

GATES Supernatural Addiction Recovery Meetings every Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Freedom Fellowship Church meets every Sunday, 10:30 am Children's Sunday School meets Sunday 9:45 am -10:15 am for ages 4+ 800 TurnpikeRd, New Ipswich, NH 03071 (603) 801-8125

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